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Scam: #14282

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 11/21/2012
  • Severity: 10

Lori Mitchell Hess

Lori Mitchell Hess, Brownsburg, Indiana Hateful Bitch

Brownsburg, Indiana

Lori Mitchell Hess of Brownsburg, Indianapolis, Indiana is a hateful bitch. Someday someone close to you will die. I'll be posting about it and about you just like you did to me. I know all there names and cities so I will be on the look out. It may be your dad, your mom, your sister, your x-husband, your son or a new husband. I'm hoping it's the latter. You'll go through the same grieving process as I did only you'll know that my family and I will be posting about you all over the net. My sons, my brothers, my sisters will all remember your name and the hurtful things you put on the net about my late husband and myself. You have no respect for life or for the dead.
Here is a link to what Lori Mitchell Hess wrote about me:
She met me once. She stuck her nose into business that wasn't her's. Now the world will know how hateful she is. It's backfired on you Lori Mitchell Hess. Everyone who knows me here knows that I was in love with Dave and that he was in love with me. They all know the true reason he married me. You are one sick bitch to write that shit. I hope it eats at you for the rest of your life. Your jealous of me. Guess you didn't think about the people here that know me. They all know what a kind and generous woman I truly am. Dave's sister Janis is sickened by what you wrote about her brother. Yes, I told them all to look at what you wrote. You are not a nice person at all. That's why Dave told me not to call you. Eric told us how you were jealous of his relationship with Dave. You need to grow up and get a life. How's it feel to have 11 people hating your guts. That's how many of my family members want to meet you. Have fun reading all the stuff we put on the net about you. The message below is what Lori Mitchell Hess sent me right after my new husband of 3 months died of cancer. You are a sick psychotic bitch!

Scam Images

Lori Mitchell Hess, Brownsburg, Indiana Hateful Bitch Lori Mitchell Hess, Brownsburg, Indiana Hateful Bitch


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