Jefferson Langley/Ima Watkins
Ima Watkins/Jefferson Langley Scams
Los Angeles, California, 90210
For those who have posted or who will post regarding these scammers it's really important that we ALL go to the authorities & or start blogs regarding these people to warn others. I was alerted to a posting today & wanted to find out as much info as possible. I'm hoping if we all share our experiences WE can help this from happening to other people.
Please post an email or other clues that I can some how get a hold of you. I've already spoken to more than three others who have been scammed by these people. If your worried about being anonymous you can set up an email or an account through google voice that will directly ring your cell phone. It's really important that we get these scammers off the streets before they keep hurting others.
If you could give any info as how you met them & what happened such as how they took you for a ride & what have you. It would be very helpful. You can also find a blog There are periodic postings on this site & you can find me there. Thanks so much!