Post A Scam
Scam: #14481

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 12/12/2012
  • Severity: 5

NigNoMore/ BlackBGone

Racial Detoxifying Facial Mask and Scrub

Howdy folks, this here is Geoff Bean Young. I'm posting today to warn all consumers that the racial detox system NigNoMore and BlackBGone does not deliver what they promise. One night I was up late, thinking about how great it is to be white, you know, showing higher than normal levels of racial pride. I saw this product being advertised on late night Fox news. I scoffed at the notion that I could benefit from this product, but I was curious to know how white I really was. Turns out my kinky hair, monkey long arms, wide nose, fat lips and taste for velvet cake and purple drink is inline with those of the darker persuasion. After a quick blood test, turns out 58.25% mix of eclectic minorities. So I purchsed these products, long story short, hair still kinks, lips still big, nose still wide and teeth still Bucked.


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