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Scam: #14483

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david flynn, lindsey pinafel, dana pinafpel, russell pike

all they do is lie

las vegas, Nevada, 89117

writing untrue statements about my business, calling my wife names because she exposed pike and his crew for what they are.


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  • What
  • Submitted: 02/07/2013
Hey Pat your wife is a fat lying whore and your just as bad. You coke snorting, lying, cheating fuck head. You actually believe the lies you tell which is the worst part of all this. Why don't you tell everone on here your stories of how you stole money from people and lied to their faces all the while gambling the money away. Tell them about all the businesses you owe money to and the peoples lives you ruined. Tell them your gold mining scam has now come back and biten you on the ass and that your running from the Feds and BLM you fucking low life piece of shit. But you will find a way to make this someone else's fault like you always do but in reality you know your a liying no good scumbag worthless asshole cocksucker..

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