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Scam: #14570

Scam Alert



Thierry Boinnard

ESI Miami Gold Shipment Fraud

Miami, Florida

The scam is typical, where it is a good story that ends up very ugly.

The owner of ESI, Thierry Boinnard, meets with the person who wishes to ship gold from Ghana to the United States or elsewhere.
The seller "places" his gold into ESI Ghana offices, and they issue a phony SKR or safekeeping receipt, stating that ESI is holding gold.
Next they issue an invoice to ship the gold after the buyers have paid $40,000 or $80,000 or
a similar amount which is basically 5% of the "value" of the purported gold kgs.
This amount will be a percentage of the value that the buyer wishes to ship, so it varies.
We have seen 3% to 5% most typical, but it will undoubtedly keep changing to confuse the victims and keep the authorities at bay for a while.
After the payment is wired to the ESI bank account in Accra Ghana, usually at Ecobank, all of a sudden the amount needed changes, or the seller changes his mind, or the government changes the fees, or the taxes, or there is a general strike or an earthquake or the department store collapses.
We have seen any number of excuses used to never ship, and then ESI shows small receipts for shipping gold in the past few years, maybe three times or so, and the victim is drawn in again.
ESI will NEVER ship gold, they will take your money, period.
We have several victims, and we need more.
Please send me your details and how you were scammed.
This guy is going down, even though he thinks he is brazen enough to flaunt the laws.
I have a created a Federal file for this criminal, he will be incarcerated soon enough.

Scam Images

ESI Miami Gold Shipment Fraud


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  • esi
  • Submitted: 12/27/2012
Isadore,my friend you have the courage to come to my door and take a picture but never visit me after show me your fake document from your seller to authorize ghana to ship ,
You are a crook low class and at least I have a office ,you just a small part of broker coming with 15 different seller and try to shipping 3000 kg ( lollll please ) I told you very clearly not to paid all at once!, remember ? Because if you don't all our conversation is on video tape and recorded
Now you come to my office with Martin (Pauv guy follow your lead and ending loose is money because of people like you try to rush and creating. Fake document ....
I told you THEY CHARGE THAT FEES NOT ME ,MY FEES IS AFTER THE GOLD IS IN THE USA, so why you coming with all this BS when I spend more the 1400 dollars in communication with ghana per your request to try to change the mind of Your Seller NOT MINE YOUR SELLER

I will be back in January and I will come to your (office) and meet with you and see how is going
I don't know or understand "why" Thierry Boinnard keeps attempting to defend himself when dozens and dozens of victims all over the world are coming forward claiming he pulled one of the three scams he, his wife Paola Venerio, George Amuah, Max, Ramzy, and the rest of the thieves associated with ESI routinely pull?! He really is a terribly sick and demented individual...

Thierry - if you're reading this, why don't you give back all the money you've stolen and go back to selling timeshares?! Your only way out at this point is to plea bargain. If you decide not to, then I suggest you buy a lifetime supply of KY, cause if you're "lucky," the better of the two options on your horizon will require it!
Thierry and Paola,

Did you ever stop to think of nature or nurture? With two criminal parents what chance does your kid have of growing up and not being a loser. If your both dead or incarcerated who's going to raise your little half-wit ... jus' wondering, are you sending him into 7-11's to teach him to steal or are you just going to let him watch and learn.

  • esi
  • Submitted: 12/30/2012
Let see if you have the same attitude when we meet face to face . Sam bolton????? People like you feeling very strong behind a computer screen
Listen up you poor excuse for a failed timeshare salesman: it is amazing how many victims are coming forward claiming you've stolen money from them. There are a whole lot of us who have found each other - and yes, that should scare the living "sh#!" out of you... Collectively, we can document that you've stolen an excess of $10 million dollars in the last couple of years. Your time is up... Even your girlfriend in Ghana is turning on you. You have made an enemy out of almost everyone you've ever known - but there is no honor amongst thieves, right?

Stock up on the KY buddy. I hope you like prison food - and penis!

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