East Elmhurst, New York
What the EOPC website which Barbara Camwell/Ness herself is involved with believes in FRIENDS is cyber-stalking, and, stalking. Here in what we BELIEVE fully to be her own words coming back to her as follows:
Description: I will never understand why it is so hard for a person to accept responsibility for their actions. The trauma I went through(and still do) was real and debilitating. It should not of happened, but, it did because of your lies,head games, false sense of entitlement and extreme psychological warfare. There was never going to be anything for me except this horrible mess YOU created. The damage done will last a life time. I am glad you remember you have a partner, so different than what you told me before. I guess you gave up your search for a 2,000 sq.ft. home. The only way to help someone is if you know what your dealing with. Remaining in denial only enables you to continue victimizing and exploiting women. I believe you will be judged for this one day. You know I did nothing to deserve this. If I stopped this from happening to anyone else, or from hurting the one closest to you, or for that matter yourself than I feel good about that. (many of our victims feel that they need to find out if their cyberpath/predator is "doing it again" or "harming anyone else." EOPC does NOT consider that cyberstalking but accountability as well as compulsory in order to stop these predators from throwing one life away to start destroying another)
AGAIN......"A relationship cannot possibly be consensual when the victim does not know the truthful facts in order to make an appropriate decision. Lying, telling her she's the only one, playing mind games with her, knowing she's mentally & emotionally vulnerable as well as having a 'hidden agenda' does not make for consensual. IT DOES MAKE FOR PREDATORY EXPLOITATION." Quoted from the web site Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths (cyberpaths.blogspot.com).