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Scam: #14691

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 01/06/2013
  • Severity: 5




The object of this page is to discredit EOPC, The group Members are Michelle Jones, Barbara Camwell Ness, Elaine May Smith, Richard Kline - there is no
frenchie in Austin Tx - I don't believe, but if there is, he/she has been variously male and female, and has used the name Preston Bartlet. The consenus
is the top dog at EOPC and Preston is a Barbara fiction, as is Tania Dominiga facebook (Barbara), Fighter is and always will be Barbara Camwell Ness. EOPC is her delusional system.

Michelle is one of the hacking members - fighter 2. Here is what EOPC did, in 2008 2009.
it's a fairly short summary. It summarizes how delusions
of grandeur and anonymous smears can do real world harm.

In 2010, they got very ambitious. Their goal
was to cash in on facebook with Barbara Ness's phony "counseling business" (Barbara Victim facebook -now Barbara Victim Suvivor) which led to a another site called: One2one4victims. (closed she says due to relentless harassment, but more accurately it's relentless exposure) The place where she would charge 75 dollars
per hr to talk to her. She is a fired file clerk since 1995 on Mental disability. The loonies are counseling now. For the amount of time Barbara spends impersonating people,
posting blog after blog, smearing and stalking, she is capable of working. Unfortunately we all have to suffer her ambition to become the next internet cyberpolice. Self appointed. And super spy organization ala

The identity of Barbara as Fighter one was proved 100 x over
in 2009 by Jdog, in 2010, by Jeff Butler, in 2011 by Betsy
Ashby. Again it's proved by emails sent to Ashby in 2012.
(posing as Carolyn Reily) Barb will often say "a forensics
expert says shes not figher." Truth: she may have hired Michael Roberts for three days last March, setting him up to see the Tania Dominiga page, and email eopc to get brit servers answering. It may not be true at all, he may have been impersonated by Barb or Michelle. This is what they
do. See frenchie ( a profile here.)That's EOPC. There's a pic
of a male but the profile says female. (That's eopc too, nuts)
The switch to Britain? and Michelle? It
s because Michelle took up the mantel in Britain as it was
alleged Barbs husband Andrew might be involved. Andrew
works for Moody's - America's biggest credit company. Andrews
job could be at stake. So Michelle created a little diversion.
Michael is not a forensics expert, he's a rep defender.
Cassiopaea tells the tale of Barbs id. Now, maybe we should revist Ashby's ID. And visit Barbs very pathogical psychology. Time Travelling back to Cassiopaea June 2011 - 30 page of stark reality.
I think we can ignore victims one and two. Rick and Elaine.
That's been proved fiction in 2009. In fact, Barb agreed
not to reuse that story per my lawyer and scott powers.
Elaine and Rick are lying. Betsy is GUardian. Barbara is
Purple Haze.
Watch the show. Ashby takes off her mask very gently
Barb puts it back on, a few times and vanishes after fooling
everyone there. She reappears briefly as the Artful Dodger
then gives up. Then immediately launches an all out attack
on everyone at cassiopaea and on Ashby and Sandra Brown.

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A known, respected forensic investigator even wrote Gary Stone (we have edited their identity to respect their request) who posted this nonsense above:

"With respect to your suspicions about the mastermind behind the blogspot in question (; today we ran some electronic reconnaissance.

"[snip] We can tell you this for sure, the person(s) who controls the e-mail address that administers the blog is not in New York, although he uses anonymizer proxies, we can tell you for sure that he is not even in the continental United States.

"Furthermore, a cursory forensic linguistic analysis of the author or authors prose suggests that individuals responsible for much of administrative content published had a childhood mother tongue of either Spanish or Portuguese. To throw even more intrigue into the mix, the person who first established the cyberpaths project appears to be an approximately 51-year-old male.

"We cannot say for sure if that individual is still the person administering the blog, what we can say is that the private detective who conducted the forensic analysis for you earlier appears to be way off-base. If our assessment is correct, you would probably do well to redirect your attention away from XXXXX because you and your friends may find yourself liable for defamation if they were to take action against you."

A professional tells him the truth but because it doesn't square with Stone's delusions and persecution complex - he simply dismisses it. We'll guess that Stone will turn to his fellow net-lunatics who feed him 'information' and manipulate him; who will confirm his paranoia - instead of asking the person who wrote this if it was really them. Shouldn't take long. Stone swears its impersonation, rather than contacting this investigator and asking him himself!

The title of one of his blogs compares these women who have zero to do with EOPC (as the forensic expert above concurs) to a murderer:

XXXX will not release her cold fingers from a story that died in 2009. So, now, we tell the truth about her "Victims 1": XXXXX, and "Victim 2": XXXXX. They are both players. This XXXXX, of the cyberpath blog aborts the English language every time she opens her mouth. These people XXXXX are excrement. A victim is 15 dead kids at a batman movie and 50 wounded. XXXX are shysters - Just as XXXX is. - by Gary Stone"

Stone just can't imagine how insane he looks. Stone rants, raves and rewrites history in his twisted mind, posts it on HIS numerous blogs, then sends HIS blogs as evidence to law enforcement. Just crazy. Some of his blogs were removed by Blogger and other platforms for 'questionable content' - and he'll accuse of us hacking (which none of us know how to do or want to) just like he accuses every piece of spam mail he gets are being from EOPC. No one cares.

check Gary Stone out:
it's a laugh.
Gary Stone you're a loon and everyone you listen too is crazy. You will only listen to people who tell you what you want to hear.

One would expect after years of no contact with Stone he would get the hint: Leave us alone.

Stone is nothing but an amusement now. Seeing Stone rant and rave to himself on facebook/blog sites, where he replies to his own replies of replies... it brings a slight wry smile to your face knowing that he can't get to anyone now, knowing that Stone is tearing himself apart from the inside out trying ever so desperately to get an audience... Someone to validate he is the victim... Someone to acknowledge he exists.

Even his one and probably only friend Kevin Carey takes the mickey out of Stone; what makes it funny is Stone is oblivious to it. However, as a leading UK psychologist has pointed out, there is no cure for Stone's illness, no pills, no surgery and, no amount of psychological analysis or psychiatric treatment can cure him. The only treatment for Stone, is not considered humane in these modern times and is akin to the treatment of a rabid dog. The only hope is for Stone to get a new victim, someone that offends his inverted morals or (his lack of) moral subconsciousness.

Stone's ranting would have you to believe that Elaine has "bilked" the government for £millions of welfare money while Elaine has sexual relationships with every married man in the UK & France, "up to 4 married men a day" - and sends Stone' subtle signals that only Stone can interpret', which Stone has labelled "gas lighting". Somehow Stone sees the "gas lighting" as proof that Elaine still has a desire to have a relationship with Stone. "Subtle signals" is all that Stone has, as Stone openly admits that he has not received any emails from Elaine since Feb 2008 when [victim 1], in a very polite manner, told Stone to piss off and leave her alone.

These "subtle signals" - or voices in Stone's head - have led to a combination of 4,259 emails (to date) having been sent by Stone to Elaine and Rick in the last 3 years: that's 3.8 emails a day, every day, day after day after day..., continuously for 3 years. That's not counting all the thousands if not tens of thousands of emails Stone sent to third parties trying to get Elaine and Rick put in jail.

Not bad going for a blind man.

The voices in Stone's head have led him to believe that Rick is the world's most prolific hacker. According to Stone Rick is in control of Russian mobsters, has infiltrated government servers to remove evidence and has hacked the FBI (to plant evidence). Stone says that Rick has complete control of the TOR proxy network and other proxy networks. Stone would have anyone that reads his crap believe that Rick has complete control of his computer and internet connection, thus controlling all his email/blog/user accounts.

Stone phoned Rick's work with "evidence of hackery", Stone not knowing that Rick had pre warned his employment of his cyberstalker. As Stone read off his list of evidence, he was on speaker phone, the whole office were muffling their laughter... Stone is now responsible for bringing humour to Rick's friends and a lot catch of phrases: "Don't do a Stone on me now", "Let's Stone-alize him/her" and "I'm going to get all Stone on your arse."

The "prolific evidence of hackery" that Stone has gathered trying to convince himself and the world, just so happens to coincide with a 14-month period that Rick was being treated for a brain tumour - surgery, recovery and subsequent physiotherapy. Yessssssssss, of course, Rick was in ICU with his laptop hacking Stone's computer on a daily basis.

Dealing with Stone is like walking barefoot in the park... in one horrific moment you realise you have stepped on dog faeces, you close your eyes preparing yourself to look down and, when you do, it just confirms that the essence of Stone has just squeezed up between your toes. As you clean Stone out from in between your toes you can't help but to laugh...

Yes, Stone is a lunatic; the wires in his brain are not crossed, they were just not connected to begin with. It brings a smile to one's face knowing that in the twilight of Stone's years the only purpose in his life is his obsessions. One could imagine Stone on his death-bed... "OHHHH the lights have dimmed, Elaine is sending a signal," and "WAIT WAIT, Rick is hacking my pillow case."
Well this is interesting. Mary Mcgrannahan Branham, take a post that she and Barbara Camwell had delted on Filthy liar about the notorious Barbara Camwell, and her scam blog,, and post it here. Then the disagree with themselves.
Hint Babs: 1. I did not post this here
2. There is no forensic person who proved
you were not fighter , you spoofed Michael Robets.
3. You always link to my blog directly to an accessory page, you never start at the beginning. Puzzling you should link at all, since you spent four years you say, trying to get a simple paragraph down
at Bravenet that simple says, you reposted your 2008 smears again. - and yet you have mary post this here with many links in it (My filthy liar page.) I don't suppose the issue
at bravenet was the paragraph, it was instead, the fun of
getting it down...

We've given up trying to make sense of you and your
pathological desire to be a victim. I think your motives
are as materialistic as they are masochistic..
But for the sake of clarity:
Here is the beginning of the blog that addresses your "second" attack on me.
This page, is a very good summary of your first attack on me.
There are those who say that you will sometimes "victimize" yourself in order to appear a victim. And while this may sound impossible and crazy - that is precisely the idea. You are crazy but -you make a "business" of being a victim.
Victim psychology has a very practical agenda, $$$$, When people believe you are actually a victim instead of what you really are, predator, exploiter, shyster
they send you money. Don't give this imbecile a dime. She and her cohort fighters (Mary Mcgrannahan, Michelle Comford Jones) seek to to be the next Barbara is deeply the disturbed and possibly psychopathic vigilante Fighter at the cybberpath blog and "counselor" at Abuse Sanctuary. Her vigilante
role and counselor role are two fields that don't mesh, einstein couldn't reconcile them. They annihilate one another. and this is because the indiividual pretending both roles, is sick in way it is almost impossible to comprehend. I make that statement ignoring the fact that the roles are mutually exclusive. I am sure Mary Mcgrannhan lifted this
from the filthy liar page for you Babs, so that you and she can continue your little games. I wouldn't retract a word from the filthy liar post. Except to say that it had a better context there...(I believe that is part of the idea to extract the post from it's context, one of your defense
In case you are feeling ((((stalked)))) babs, bear in mind, it was Rachel Dupre who alerted me, and I thought Id just come by to say hello. Hello fuckwits!

Ps: Babs, where it says the purpose of this page ()above) Not quite accurate.
Another reason to pop by...
Well this is interesting. Mary Mcgrannahan Branham, take a post that she and Barbara Camwell had delted on Filthy liar about the notorious Barbara Camwell, and her scam blog,, and post it here. Then the disagree with themselves.
Hint Babs: 1. I did not post this here
2. There is no forensic person who proved
you were not fighter , you spoofed Michael Robets.
3. You always link to my blog directly to an accessory page, you never start at the beginning. Puzzling you should link at all, since you spent four years you say, trying to get a simple paragraph down
at Bravenet that simple says, you reposted your 2008 smears again. - and yet you have mary post this here with many links in it (My filthy liar page.) I don't suppose the issue
at bravenet was the paragraph, it was instead, the fun of
getting it down...

We've given up trying to make sense of you and your
pathological desire to be a victim. I think your motives
are as materialistic as they are masochistic..
But for the sake of clarity:
Here is the beginning of the blog that addresses your "second" attack on me.
This page, is a very good summary of your first attack on me.
There are those who say that you will sometimes "victimize" yourself in order to appear a victim. And while this may sound impossible and crazy - that is precisely the idea. You are crazy but -you make a "business" of being a victim.
Victim psychology has a very practical agenda, $$$$, When people believe you are actually a victim instead of what you really are, predator, exploiter, shyster
they send you money. Don't give this imbecile a dime. She and her cohort fighters (Mary Mcgrannahan, Michelle Comford Jones) seek to to be the next Barbara is deeply the disturbed and possibly psychopathic vigilante Fighter at the cybberpath blog and "counselor" at Abuse Sanctuary. Her vigilante
role and counselor role are two fields that don't mesh, einstein couldn't reconcile them. They annihilate one another. and this is because the indiividual pretending both roles, is sick in way it is almost impossible to comprehend. I make that statement ignoring the fact that the roles are mutually exclusive. I am sure Mary Mcgrannhan lifted this
from the filthy liar page for you Babs, so that you and she can continue your little games. I wouldn't retract a word from the filthy liar post. Except to say that it had a better context there...(I believe that is part of the idea to extract the post from it's context, one of your defense
In case you are feeling ((((stalked)))) babs, bear in mind, it was Rachel Dupre who alerted me, and I thought Id just come by to say hello. Hello fuckwits!

Ps: Babs, where it says the purpose of this page ()above) Not quite accurate.
Another reason to pop by...
Well this is interesting. Mary Mcgrannahan Branham, take a post that she and Barbara Camwell had delted on Filthy liar about the notorious Barbara Camwell, and her scam blog,, and post it here. Then the disagree with themselves. Hint Babs: 1. I did not post this here 2. There is no forensic person who proved you were not fighter , you spoofed Michael Roberts. 3. You always link to my blog directly to an accessory page, you never start at the beginning. Puzzling you should link at all, since you spent four years you say, trying to get a simple paragraph down at Bravenet that simple says, you reposted your 2008 smears again. - and yet you have mary post this here with many links in it (My filthy liar page.) I don't suppose the issue at bravenet was the paragraph, it was instead, the fun of
getting it down...

We've given up trying to make sense of you and your
pathological desire to be a victim. I think your motives
are as materialistic as they are masochistic..
But for the sake of clarity:
Here is the beginning of the blog that addresses your "second" attack on me.
This page, is a very good summary of your first attack on me.
There are those who say that you will sometimes "victimize" yourself in order to appear a victim. And while this may sound impossible and crazy - that is precisely the idea. You are crazy but -you make a "business" of being a victim.
Victim psychology has a very practical agenda, $$$$, When people believe you are actually a victim instead of what you really are, predator, exploiter, shyster
they send you money. Don't give this imbecile a dime. She and her cohort fighters (Mary Mcgrannahan, Michelle Comford Jones) seek to to be the next Barbara is deeply the disturbed and possibly psychopathic vigilante Fighter at the cybberpath blog and "counselor" at Abuse Sanctuary. Her vigilante
role and counselor role are two fields that don't mesh, einstein couldn't reconcile them. They annihilate one another. and this is because the indiividual pretending both roles, is sick in way it is almost impossible to comprehend. I make that statement ignoring the fact that the roles are mutually exclusive. I am sure Mary Mcgrannhan lifted this
from the filthy liar page for you Babs, so that you and she can continue your little games. I wouldn't retract a word from the filthy liar post. Except to say that it had a better context there...(I believe that is part of the idea to extract the post from it's context, one of your defense
In case you are feeling ((((stalked)))) babs, bear in mind, it was Rachel Dupre who alerted me, and I thought Id just come by to say hello. Hello fuckwits!

Ps: Babs, where it says the purpose of this page ()above) Not quite accurate.
Another reason to pop by...
Sorry Babs server error,, got post three times. Just as well

Visit my site as it grows leaner an meaner babs.

Babs I havent added any eopcsuckit site,nor did I post this site.
That is you victiizing yourself again, something you shouldnt do in public ,it isn't very edifying. Frenchie is you. Everyone knows it
You should visit my blog direct, as I am simplifying it. Victimize yourself at some else's expense please. I want to remind you of something. I think that amid all of the other charges people will bring against you, they should save for last, your insane psychology, your impersonations, you love of being a victim, a love so profound you will even do it to yourself. This is a the icing on the cake of any case against you.
It needs to be proved with several examples of each. Then people will understand the diseased mind behind all of these posts. And, they will understand why EOPC is a liability for anyone involved. These sites are just you and mary having fun
Babs, there's an updated url to my blog.
I like to keep people informed. Like the new name Frenchie.
By the way , what you have here, was actually taken from filthy liar
a post on your group member and contacted me as Frenchie.
I did not contact you. You also kept contacting me. I didn't contact you.
You were there on my page, because you saw Michelle Jones image
fly up. You did not come at me with any sincere intent to mediate
the Smith issue, you came by to edify your blog. The Smith story
exists to edify it, at my expense. So, while Ive had nothing to do with these
posts, I will up date all of the posts on this site, with the proper url
MaryBranhamParishMcGrannahan (AKA) Barbara Camwell Ness. Rache did not admit to anything YOU did. You hacked Raches email account,and,used it to post a lie filled post on Mary Mcgrannahan.Then,you used Rache's email account to contact men on a dating site and then sent the package to her ex husband who is a certified "Somatic Narcissist/probable sociopath." Rache turned the packet over to police and DV in her state.Mary nor Rache fabricated that you lying sow. Barbara,you, are running scared because you were the head of AHC .Now that Kester won the case-they are coming after YOU! Run you fat cockroach but you cannot hide.READ Mr stones blog about you and yours. Everyone is on to your scams/cons/lies. Blame everything on Mary,but,its not all about her.Its YOU. You are the big cheese.Mary was just a lil mouse.
This will open everyone's eyes to the REAL Barbara Camwell Ness and her merry band of psycho's:
MaryBranhamParishMcgrannahan (aka)Barbara Camwell Ness=Here you are impersonating Mary,all the while,accusing her of impersonation.You most certainly have contacted womens husbands.And,thats the least of what you have done.You are a con/scam/racketeering piece of garbage! Everyone needs to read http:/
Its a long read but worth your time especially if you've been duped/conned by Barbara Camwell/Ness!
Barbara Camwell Ness is on Facebook under Barbara Helping Victims.I hear she broke her foot .I guess everything else was EXTRA padded! She's looking for a college for her twins! I thought one or both were disabled.Another lie to scam money Barb???????

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