Post A Scam
Scam: #14703

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 01/07/2013
  • Severity: 5

James Thompson

Western Union Wire Transfer Scammer

NEW YORK, New York

I "met" Nyjamesy- James Thompson through He told me that I was his soul-mate so he cancelled with, trying to demonstrate how serious he was about me! He told me that he was going to Africa, Nigeria, to sign a bid contract. I spoke w him this morning about the dangers in Nigeria & he text me back claiming he was scared & wanted to come home, but needed me to wire $1,300 to do so. I wired the money to Nigeria, like an idiot! Fortunately, a friend of mine sent me an almost exact story that a man named James Thompson pulled from "" & I was able to put a cancel on the transaction & will be refunded tomorrow! I am completely ashamed of my trust to a man I never physically met. Beware ladies, scammers are so tricky!


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