Post A Scam
Scam: #14742

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 01/15/2013
  • Severity: 10

James Thompson

James Thompson is a criminal and should be jailed

NEW YORK, New York

He says he loves you and you are his soul mate and sends you a poem every day. Then he takes a business trip to Africa and then his requests for a phone or money to be sent to him. He says that he is alone and without your support he will be out on the streets in a foreign and dangerous country. He asked me for $1300 since he needed to return home. I sent the money and then realized after the fact that it was a scam. I am pulling out all the guns to ensure that he is in jail where he belongs. I need women to be careful and not fall prey to his schemes.


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I had one to tell me that he was a doctor living in Scotland and then had to go Malaysia for business and then he needed 2300.00. I did not send it to him because if he is a doctor he would have plenty of money and i knew it was a scam anyway. He became very angry with me and did not want to talk to me anymore. I said fine with me. Anytime a man ask you for money it is not a good sign. Never give men money that you do not know personally. Even if he says he will give it back, it is all a scam and now your money is gone and you will never see it again. He was probably in Africia the entire time.

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