Sarah Megan Grodsky (DoB 08/29/1986) of 1324 Lambert Cir.
Selling her Body and her Personal Information
Lafayette, Colorado, 80026
Sarah Megan Grodsky, DoB 08/29/1986, is a prostitute selling her body and the personal information of herself and her two children. She has stolen nearly $10,000 dollars and has yet to return the money to the people she stole from.
Here is their address if you want to find her.
1324 Lambert Cir.
Lafayette, CO 80026
The two girls also live there with Allen Ray Grodsky, Sarah's father. Their names are Sabriel Elizabeth Flauta, DoB 01/26/2006, and Kimiko Raelynn Flauta, DoB 01/20/2009.
Sarah Grodsky used to live at an apartment before they were evicted for illegal activities.
1781 Regal Ct.
Apartment C
Louisville, CO 80027
All of their social security numbers and I believe their other personal information is also posted online. The information provided is posted with permission.