Post A Scam
Scam: #15748

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/17/2013
  • Severity: 10

Art Howe- asgoodasbadcanbe

Art Howe- Back on Plenty of Fish

San Diego, California, 92114

Art Howe is back on Plenty of Fish looking for his next victim. He is now saying he is 32 years old not 34. He still is using the same lies in his profile. Ladies do not believe anything this man says. He is only after your money. Here is his latest profile. I hope they will delete it, but he just reposts a new one right after they delete it. Look at his photos never contact this man and report him if you see his profile. He needs to be stopped.


I am born and raised in San Diego. I own a Skateboard Distribution and I Skateboard For a living . I have a son who is 4. I love to laugh and smile and have a good time.... I enjoy the beach and movies, Concerts and events, Art and books, Music and outdoors and Family and Friends . I like to try new things and take chances cause you only live once and life is short....

Now some funny stuff:)

1 - Everyone says they are tired of meeting guys at a Bar but then the first place they want to meet you for a date is for a drink at a bar? If i wanted to spend the time on here just to end up at a bar then what is the point?

2 - The whole age thing? Younger/Older shorter , taller , black hair , brown hair , who really cares!!! If you get along with someone and connect then that is all that should really matter ! If you dont atleast give something a chance then you will never know . Whatever we have been doing up until this point has not been working or we would not be on this site! So try something different and live alittle!

3 - Headlines! I can deal with someone being funny or a clever headline but come on People! Do you know how many women have a headline that says - LOOKING FOR AN HONEST , REAL , PRINCE CHARMING ..... Ha ha - What guy is ever going to tell you he is not honest or not real or an A- Hole? The only way your going to find out is if you take a chance and find out! Email will only get you so far cause anyone can type anything ....

4 - If you have a profile with sexy pictures or half naked pictures then dont get all mad when you get perverted emails or a bunch of guys looking for SEX! You are inviting it and asking for it! And if you have been hurt before or cheated on or been done dirty i am really sorry but dont take it out on me or any other guy cause it is not our fault!!! Your on a dating site and the point is to date and be real not play the email or message game!

5. Whatever we have been doing is not working or we would not be on here so take a chance and email someone new and you might be surprised on what you find!

If i have not scared you off yet and you want someone upfront and honest and real - No games or BS or lying ! If you love attention and want 100 percent !! Then please leave me an email!

First Date
Anything is fun with the right person!

Scam Images

Art Howe- Back on Plenty of Fish Art Howe- Back on Plenty of Fish Art Howe- Back on Plenty of Fish Art Howe- Back on Plenty of Fish


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Disgusted in this prick, just reading his same bullshit pof lines
He's gross, everything out of his mouth is a lie. I was paying for a phone line for him i found out he was using as a 2nd phone for all the girls I didn't know he was meeting and sleeping with unprotected.
2006-2007 Same story. Single mom. Unprotected sex. I felt taken advantage of right away and stopped seeing him. I'm so disgusted now. Went by Aiden Howe.
I am going to the authorities about him. Lets put him in jail. 650 740-6657
This is a pretty funny "scam". Art Howe has never done anything dirty or malicious to anyone. He's always hooked his friends up with anything from girls to gear, yet he's blamed for "scamming" people. The ladies have to realize its their own dumb ass faults for giving this guy anything. If someone did me wrong like this i sure as hell wouldn't be hiding my identity.
your a douche too
angelstouch joke ass idiot
This is ART HOWE - Let me set the record straight . First of all if anyone has ever given me money or helped me , it was of their own accord . Secondly , no one really knows what happened , there is lots of speculation and rumors and it is all one sided! If anyone out there lives without sin or has never made a mistake , then you can judge me . Just because at one point i was single and on dating sites does not make me a bad person , everyone is on dating sites! So is everyone on there bad?

Lastly, everyone seems to play off the fact of single moms? I was at one point a single dad , was i not aloud to date? Parents have things in common , Should i have gone after married women ? I never scammed anyone -

If you want the real story or atleast the other half to a two sided story then feel free to email !

Thank you
I hate up you little fucking bitch? I would love to put my 9” in your mouth that’s my 9” barrel of my W&W 1911 .45 cal!!!!! Art Howe is a fucking rapeist if anyone has any idea how to find this fucking loser !! Plz plzzz I’m going to make him my bitch let him j on ow how it feels to take a big dick in his ass!!!!! I pray to god that him and his kid both ducking die!!! His sons a fuxkingnlilttlenRETARD FUCKINGNIDIOT JUST LIKE DADDY FUTURE RAPIST !!!!!!!! Tattooed fucking idiot hey hush !!!!!’ He ART TOU PUSSY BITCH IM COMING FOR YOU AND WHEN I FIND YOU AND YOURS FUCKBOY BIYXHÛ DE
If anyone has any information on Art Howe, please contact me. I am gathering documents to report him to the authorities. My email address is

Art Howe scammed me financially and I WILL NOT STOP until he resolves the $8k that he owes me! He is a habitual liar and a thief and he MUST be stopped.

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