Post A Scam
Scam: #15875

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/27/2013
  • Severity: 10

Anthony A. Phillips aka Anthony A. Dunagin


Sacramento, California, 95817

He said that he could invest my money and he would hold on to it for me so he said I could invest and what I have won't last me and when I wiyld call about my money he would change the subject. He spent the money without permisdion and I told him thatim not agreeing to 5 year business loan. He did that so he could be sly and that np one would bother him while he cons the next victim.he forcef me into thid and threatened me if I went to authorities but I'm stepping forward becausr I suffered a lot of hurt and depreddion and don't want others harmed of their financed. Come to fond out that mr.phillips had done this for years and that he has a criminal record which is displayed on goole with an artiicle under Anthony A. Phillips caseypedia


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