Denson Hudgens
Help me stop Denson Hudgens from slandering people!
unknown, Texas
Denson Hudgens started victimizing me and my business this year 2013. I don't know how he obtained my personal information and why he is currently doing this malicious activities. Denson Hudgens makes slanderous, fraudulent, and
outrageous claims about people on the internet and posting personal and private information on sites such as Yahoo Answers.
He claims that I am blackmailing and exhorting people, then posts my personal details on the web. I don't even know who the guy is!!! This is slander! He posts your name, your business name, any websites you own, including addresses.
Sounds like he has scammed others in the past and this person has been reported everywhere! He must be upset that he got found out... now he's out on a vengeance to get the rest of the world... and now I'm one of his most recent
Can anyone help me with this guy?? Is there any new case against this guy for year 2013?? I need to get him to stop his slanderous activities!!
He is destroying my integrity and reputation and putting my safety at risk by posting my personal details and address. He must be stopped!
By the way, he uses email addresses like:,, and I think he's got a gmail account as well.
He uses usernames on Yahoo such as "Y" and "@"
He will put up slanderous posts about you saying fraudulent things that go something like this:
Is XXXXXXXX of blackmailing and extorting people?
18 USC § 873 — Blackmail
Whoever, under a threat of informing, or as a consideration for not informing, against any violation of any law of the United States, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
not more than one year, or both.
Blackmailer - XXXXXXXX of
“As consideration for not informing receives money.”
18 USC § 880 - Receiving the proceeds of extortion
A person(s) who receives, possesses, conceals, or disposes of any blackmail money.
Extortionist - XXXXXXXX
“A person who receives money.”
Business Name or Personal Name
Your address or other personal info
I need help getting this guy to stop his abuse!