Post A Scam
Scam: #17067

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 12/16/2013
  • Severity: 9

Orisi Vukinavanua

Multiple Scams

Nadi, Fiji

1. Orisi Vukinavanua traveled to Hong Kong, fromed a company in Hong Kong using Mr. William Yoon of Oceanlink Limited's money. Orisi stayed at the Gloucester Luk Kwok Hotel for 30 days. During which time Orisi failed to pay for his hotel bills and Mr. William Yoon bailed Orisi out by using William Yoon's credit card. The total hotel charges and cash advances Orisi took from William Yoon was over 100,000 Hong Kong dollars(Over 16,000 USD). Orisi also took the notebook PC loaned to him by William in the NB there are personal information and files of William Yoon. Orisi disappeared from the hotel and hasn't returned any email, phone calls, or skype messages from William Yoon.

2. Orisi Vukinavanua has also signed a 200 metric tons of gold bullion purchase contract with a Korean dealer then disappeared from the Korean dealer. This scam will be eported separately.

3. Orisi Vukinavanua has also signed a diesel oil sales and purchase contract with a Chinese owned BVI registered company when he was in Hong Kong. Orisi has failed to perform. The Chinese owned company will report it to the International Arbitration Commission in Beijing for arbitration and to be followed by legal action. The amount claimed is over 10 million USD.


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