Post A Scam
Scam: #17468

Scam Alert



Jacksonville, Florida

Betwithbtc is supposedly a legitimate review website that offers reviews for online Bitcoin casinos and gambling sites. I have not seen a single legitimate review on there so far! Criminals listed on Betwithbtc employ various tactics to con you out of your Bitcoin, which include but are not limited to posting static content full of affiliate links; pushing bonuses down the players’ throats, especially when they do not want them; link spamming and all kinds of other fakery. I have no doubt that a small percentage of casinos listed on Betwithbtc are legitimate. I mean, not every single website out there is a scam. But I know for a fact that most of the gambling sites on there are scammers. How do I know it? Because I have been a frequent flyer in this industry for a very long time and I know what I am talking about because I have tons of experience. Your Bitcoin is not safe with most of these scam artists and I recommend you do extensive research and talk to real people before you take the plunge and make a deposit. I know for a fact that some of the gambling sites listed on Betwithbtc have serious money management issues – they will not pay you out on your winnings and never take the blame for it. They will blame their servers, their systems and their staff. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and simply leave players unpaid and confused. Also, your details might be sold to spammers and you will be targeted for an aggressive marketing campaign, which you will have a lot of trouble stopping. Confiscating so called fraudulent winnings is also rife at many of these gambling sites. What I am trying to say is do not trust Betwithbtc because the reviews are fake!


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