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Scam: #17641

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 07/16/2014
  • Severity: 1

Dorothee Yao


Bronx, New York

This so called woman s named Dorothee Yao, is a criminal and a thief.
She is from an African country called Ivory Coast and a man from the same country, went home and saw her in a church , thought he found a Christian lady.
Not knowing that she is a beast in a sheep coat, he married her, brought her to America, gave her Green Card and immediately, she revealed her rea l being.
She hits the man, his children and even her own children that she have with the man.
One day, she went to pick up her young daughter at school and teacher told her how the child spoiled a toy and she removed a shoe from her foot, hit the child and she fall, hit her jour on the floor and blood was all over her.
Ambulance was called and she followed the child to hospital.
The teacher latter called Police and told them that it was the mother herself who hurt the child.
Police then went to the hospital, hand cup her and took her to jail.
It was when child protective service decided that she cannot lived in the same house with the child at that moment, or the child would be taken away.
Dorothee had to be removed from the house and she became homeless . She cannot be accepted in shelter too because of her criminal background was outside for about three years.
It was January or February,2013 in the winter, and was frizzing outside, that a woman I know from TCI College, called Lonnie , who is from the same country as she, called me on the phone one night and told me that she would bring her sister to spend a night in my apartment the following day.
I thought it was a sister from another state, who has visited and she did not have a place for her and I said okay.
The nest day, when they knocked my door, and as I opened, though I had never seen Dorothee before or heard anything about her, how I saw this so called woman, I did not want to accept her and I reacted. Lionnie who brought her, begged me and because it was freezing outside, I felt petty for her .gave her key and told her no more to stay in the cold weather if she did not have anything to do outside.
She stayed in my apartment and did not pay neither rent, electric, gas or water bill.
She was in my apartment before she had a job, had her apartment and moved out.
The day that she came to pick up the rest of her trash in my apartment , not known to me that she is in a group of thieves and they scum people, she
was telling me about a business that they were doing, then she connected me
With somebody on a phone and this person said he cannot talk to me on the
Phone , he would come to me in the evening.
In the evening , this moslem boy called Cone Alfuseni, whom she moved in with her when she have her apartment , and another one called Eric with whom she goes to the same so called church with, came and continued with the lie that she started to me.
After they left, she kept calling me with different other lies until I was scammed, for I taught they are real Christian .
After they took ( $600.00 ) six hundred dollars from me ,I have not seen them again and they do not return my phone calls.
I took them to court, none of them showed up.

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Stealing Stealing Stealing Stealing


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