Post A Scam
Scam: #18017

Scam Alert



Stella Brown

Stella Brown - Freeloader and a Scammer

accra, NA

After travelling from the USA to Ghana to arrest scammers she herself is now a scammer.

After I met her she placed my Paypal account in debt only because the customers were complaining that they did not recieve there item. And they blocked access from using it only because of a £2300. Then she wanted the top of the range cell phones and held me responsible for the bill of £7200. Then she wanted to borrow money from me at £4000.

I would like to warn every one in the world that she is a scammer

Currently as i type this message that she is in jail doing time for her actions

Scam Images

Stella Brown - Freeloader and a Scammer Stella Brown - Freeloader and a Scammer Stella Brown - Freeloader and a Scammer Stella Brown - Freeloader and a Scammer


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