QB Combine Plus
No background check in coaches
Beverly Hills, Brentwood, surrounding cities, California
QB combine Plus teaches boys how to play football in Beverly Hills and surrounding cities. The company is owned by Jio Lucci who had his 4 daughters removed from his custody because of abuse. He is also on the national child index listed as a child abuser and is not supposed to have any contact with kids. The company is now trying to say he doesn't work there when you call the company at (818) 294-1288. Jio Lucci is the owner of QB Combine Plus was coaching last week on the field and the website is registered under his wife Maria Lucci's name. If your child attended QB combine at any time you may be able to recoup part of your money or all of it in a class action lawsuit against QB combine. So far Jio Lucci is the only one discovered on the child index but there may be others for it appears no finger printing or background checks were done on any of the coaches.