Post A Scam
Scam: #18898

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/15/2016
  • Severity: 10

Dayanna Trujillo

Humans right abusers, potential pedophile and liar's

Winter park, Florida

Aging prostitute is an atrocious criminal huge humans right abuse use her kids for put charge and try put single mom in prison for children abuse her kids, he and her husband Sebastian Weymar Colce delay and abandoned two newborn kids from different woman's in different country. Dayanna Trujillo is a green card hunter and cares only about her kids with another men's she travel around the world and make stupid man pay for it she also use her daughter beauty for got another's men's attention.
He and her husband harassed pos partum singles mom on line and phone calls age support and encourage her sick predator and potencial pedofile husband too abandoned pregnant woman in street with out support for son of her husband she's takes advantage the situation for abused and steal children support from another mom and make her husband paid for her lids expenses also his daddy and mother plane tickets for travel back and for USA to Venezuela while the kids of her husband doesn't have food in home, she doesn't have remorse those couples is sociopaths and sick they also have His ex wife support for bulling and abuse another mom.
This white family pretend been someone and perfect family who's they can never can be.
Sebastian Weymar Colce change his name several times in Bolivia,Argentina and USA he is violent who's try choking the mother of his son while she was pregnant he also confess he have strong attraction for teenagers.Sebastian and hisvex wife usedvthe excuse the black single mom was married but she separated from her ex husband since 2012 for domestic violence she was struggling with immigration issues and broken English Dayanna Sebastian and his ex wife abuse and abandoned the prego and negligence his newborm son.
They use the excuse the mother of his children was married for do all kind abuse and abandoned,they are really racist and pretend they are rich couples they don't have money for pau lighting and buy food sometimes.
Her husband abandoned two pregnant woman for married her and she knows before got married and agree with everything he sick husband do.
Dayanna Trujillo Colce is sick,fake and phony She no have remorse and no limitation she ruin innocent lives for update her sagging boobs implant also use her kids and her beautiful daughter.
She harassing, bullying also try put charges in innocent,lonely black single moms with out family support for fun.
Be carefully with those family also Sebastian ex wife they are huge humans right s abuses they are coward.


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