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Scam: #18931

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 10/14/2016
  • Severity: 10

Dayanna Trujillo /Sebastian Weymar Colce

Black magic and vudu

Winter park, Florida

This couples sacrifice kids and do black magic for got money and ruinned another peoples lives. They racist children abused and have huge support from Hispanic community they always at Los Portalles restaurant and the owner there support all crap this couples do they thinking they are smart and a better the every body else.
They really dangerous boths will use they emotions for you felling sorry for then,they said lies this couples doesn't have moral ,ethics or limitations.
Dayanna is sick what's type mom she is? What's example she give for her daughter? All Hispanic community support Sebastian and Dayanna lies and excuses, Sebastian is a domestic violence who's chunking mom of his children while she pregnant also kick the lady in street while she have 38 week and Dayanna support him because she want stay in USA and doesn't arrive back too Venezuela with her kids from different men.Sebastian was Married years with a white blonde rich woman she also support and help Sebastian kick all moms of his children butt and abandoned all his Kids.
Only think I have too say you all is Hispanic peoples is really racist and they like shows they are rich and succeed in life doesn't matter they will hurt another kids,woman or peoples.
Hispanic is racist doesn't have kindness or commitment if you black woman or low income and dating some arrogant Hispanic who have white or blondes ex please abortion because they don't respect and don't like blacks and simple peoples and the Hispanic women is really cruelty mind they will work together for ruined you advice is all black american don't got involve with Hispanic all they don't like and doesn't respect black community they ashamed and will make you felling miserable if you need them.
They doesn't care for american too they thinking they can do whatever they want here and nobody will stop then no carefully Dayanna and Sebastian do a lot black magic also sacrifice animals and in his country they also sacrifice peoples all they want is money and power.this family only consider humans beings if you havevkoney or some influence if not you are nothing they will use and abuse you and take for granted. That's who they are they drain you dignity plays mind games,use you weakness for hurt you back,make you felling miserable and guilty,Sebastian lost his butt in divorce so his decide abandoned a lot kids +5 and got married Dayanna for shows the society his a good reliable family guy the really his is a domestic violence,bullying,harrasser,he and Dayanna while the mom of his children calling him for help both play with the phone and let the newborn crying and waiting for him for days while he said"I Will be there with the water and the money for help in the rent Sebastian never shows up.he called at night and said another day he will shows up with the food and the help for rent Dayanna laugh in the back.they play a lot games also make the mom of his children loss the car.Dayanna and Sebastian see his son in the street in raining he and Dayanna laugh hard.

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Black magic and vudu Black magic and vudu Black magic and vudu Black magic and vudu


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  • killer
  • Submitted: 10/25/2016
wow...this is interesting..SMH
The grammar in this post is both atrocious and highly entertaining. Black magic isn't real, so get some rest.
This guy is crazy... I dating him 2014 and 2015 he bring at his house while his girlfriend was at school she was pregnant at this time He lies to me he say she's his roommate I found out the true, his use me.
His fake motherfuck, disgusting bastard

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