Ivana Dykas
Ivana Dykas: Scam Artist And THIEF
Hoffman Estate, Illinois
Ivana Dykas is a low-life scam artist and a vicious thief and a criminal.
Ivana Dykas owns a business by the name of Quality Maintaenance Corp.
Bothe the business and her residence are in Hoffman Estate, Illinois.
Here is the personal address of Ivana Dykas:
2401 Hassell Rd.
Suite 1520: Hoffman Est., Illinois 60169-2075.
This is also her business adress.
Ivana Dykas Uses this SCAM business as a front for money laundering and drug selling.
Ivana Dykas sells drugs to minors and gets them ooked and addicted to cocain and other dangerous substances.
Ivana Dykas and her business: Quality Maintenance Corp., which she uses as an illegal front for selling dangerous and toxic drugs, has resulted in the deaths of 4 innocent kids and 5 adults.
Ivana Dykas is a vicious psychopath who care about no one but herself and the men who sell drugs for her and he men who she sends to beat up kids who do not pay their drug debts to her.
The following are her many different phone numbers (a drug dealer always has many phone numbers):