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Scam: #25709

Scam Alert



Scammer Avvocato Giovanni Belsito

Financial Scammer Avvocato Giovanni Belsito

Venezia, VE

There is nothing worst than a fake attorney in italy acting into scamming and defrauding investors from the Middle East.
This is the story of Avv. Giovanni Belsito from Venice area in italy that allegedly propose himself like expert and introducers of financials' business affairs.

email of the scammer:
mobile number of the scammer: +39 333 790 8800

Once he grab the client attentions on impossible deals, he just get paid his upfront invoice and after run away simply discharging any responsibility to others people and partners outside of italy.

bad game that already seen Avvocato Giovanni Belsito be involved into scandals and funny stories of people that beat him as discovered the scam !



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Che IDIOTA patentato questo finto avvocato Giovanni Belsito
possibile mai che si fa inculare e picchiare da cani e porci.!??

boh.. la vergogna dell'italia intera.

Dovrebbero ritirare la cittadinanza italiana a cotanto idiota e truffatore

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