Post A Scam
Scam: #2953

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/20/2011
  • Severity: 3

Postal Zone

Postal Zone

Redlaqnd, California, 92374

contact you with e-mail offering a job , send you a contract and w-s looking very real,
never ask you for money, that why they fooled me. send you a instruction manual,
and an ID and password for a delivery traking software and promese to pay you $ 35.000 a year and your first pay comes 30 days after your first delivery
you receive merchandise at your home address, tkae picture, put some paper they tell you to and send it with pre payed postage with different destination.
you have like 20 products in a week, but before 30th day they stop contacting you no e-mail
no phone, after using you for 3 weeks they will never pay you.
If you are in the process with them and are able to read these, do not send the mechandice until they pay you.

It is a SCAM they will never pay you.....I too much money for what you are doing we believe because we need a job, but in not true. they are are more Russian Federation, but other countries to.


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