Post A Scam
Scam: #3346

Scam Alert





San Antonio, Texas

Read an ad for government auctions on-line and the link directed me to a local news channel advocating the services of Grabswag auctions. I was then then directed to their signup page. In order to get what you believe are free bids to use you must sign up. When you sign up you must put in a credit card number as part of the process. You believe you are going to establish an account to view the site and your card is immediately charged $99.00 for the right to have some bids. Once you exit the site there is no way to get back in without going through the signup and $99.00 charge again. There is absolutely no way to sign in and use the site after you register with re-registering over and over. The only site connected to their web address is the signup page.

This is a huge scam and I want a refund and my information deleted.


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