Post A Scam
Scam: #5707

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 01/19/2012
  • Severity: 9

Matthew (Matt) Roberts

A serial psychopathic liar and fraudster with some nasty links

Laugharne (West Wales) and London, LCN

Roberts is a very convincing and convivial conman with a long rack record of defrauding money, backed up by some nasty characters with underworld links - what is truly worrying is he is both charming and convincing, without a joy of insight or guilt. He takes pleasure in his activities and is teflon-coated when it comes to the law.

He has used Hurst House Hotel and Club in London and West Wales, UK as a front to extract multi-millions from well-meaning investors through clever schemes, misrepresenting himself and others in creative ways which require extremely detailed analysis to bottom-out. He hides behind a veil of respectability which eludes easy detection. He has in tow a group of drug dealers who carry firearms and who take pleasure on trying to intimidate to get their way.

Beware the apparent naivety and charm, behind lurks a devious and evil mind.


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This man is amazing - complete crook and devious b*****d. He is trying again at the same place this time with a different name
he has scammed me and many others that i know, he can't stop himself, its like he is addicted to it, sadly he has cost some people their freedom, hope he gets whats coming to him.
  • Maisie
  • Submitted: 11/12/2013
Well not yet but any interested parties might like to know of his change of location.bInvestors are invited to stump up in multiples of 10K in a new venture in South Gloucestershire

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