Marty Casey, Casey Tech Services, LLC
Marty Casey Con Man Thief
Grand Junction, Colorado
A real looser and con man, currently owns Casey Tech Services, LLC claiming to be a computer expert with 10 years experience. I've known Marty for over ten years and he's never been able to hold a job, been fired for theft, and would not be rehired from any employer. NONE of his work experience involved computer services or repairs. He talks a good talk but is a habitual liar and thief. Do not believe ANY thing he he tells you. Drug problems (pain pills) and selling them too on the street through family members, alcoholic also. Used too or still is tech director for TAG USA a go kart organization. He'd tear down and find kart parts that were cheater parts and confiscate them then use them for his sons racing or other racers whom he'd charge to tune their engines and of coarse since he was the tech director those parts were deliberately overlooked. Does not pay his bills after using his positions to receive goods and takes bribes favoring certain company's.
A real scum bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!