URBANDALE, Iowa, 50322
This person has been scamming people for years under many names. They pretend to be a Rihanna Kelvin and then have you send your money to these names instead SUSAN DESMOND and she really lives in Urbandale IA. USA. her contact con is named JERRY KENNY lives in Alton IA. they will never tell you this they will tell you that they live in NIGERIA AFRICA instead. Other names they use in they scam game is ALEX DESMOND, IMOGENE SMITH, LAWAL TIMILEHIN, MARTIN ADEBOWALE AND LILIANNA COSSIO. And I am sure there are many more names in there use That is why never send money to anyone over the internet that you do not know in person. They are all crooks and will always be crooks no matter what they try to tell you.