Arlington, Virginia
This post is a WARNING to other women out there who may be victimized by JEREMY DAVID GUIDA (from Virginia). A warning so no other woman may be taken advantage of again, and played a fool by this guy who scams and lies to women to get money from them. His name is JEREMY DAVID GUIDA from Virginia, please beware of him.
He uses online dating sites to meet women. He used sites like and craigslist.
After meeting the woman in person, he will immediately open up stories about himself, making the woman trust him. He will then make up stories about frozen bank accounts or his ATM not allowing him to withdraw. Then, asking or borrowing money from the woman, promising to pay back. But, he never will. He has no intentions of paying back.
Please do not fall for this guy. Again, his name is JEREMY DAVID GUIDA. He was from Hampton, Virginia. Last time we checked he arrived in Arlington, Virginia in November 29, 2011.
His pictures can be seen below.
I am reiterating this, as Jeremy David Guida and his friends have been trying so hard to take this post OFF course; obviously trying to turn tables around and against the real victims.