Post A Scam
Scam: #5826

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 02/15/2012
  • Severity: 10

Bradley Bolton, Barry Batey, Donald Young, Kirk Good, Eddie Ebray

summary of internet dating scammers

Lagos to Sydney, and other countries

The names and pictures will definitely change once they have been "caught." However, the scenario will always remain the same. They sit in cyber cafes, working in shifts. One reels in the women, (making sure they "fit" the criteria (single, etc.) the next one "romances" them, the next one "goes after the money", etc., etc. You may never know "which" one you are chatting with online. They take copius notes for one another so that when one leaves for the day and the next one takes over, they "know" what has gone on between you. The only thing that remains consistent is the voice on the other end of the phone. They will tell you they have no webcam, however, there are webcams in every cyber cafe. Why would they want you to see them when they are NEVER the man in the picture? What IS, however, consistent, is that they will need to go overseas immediately after "meeting" you online. Within a few short days, they will "fall in love with you." It won't take much longer for them to propose to you, as well. Then the "catastrophies" begin. It will be illnesses, monetary catastrophies, accidents - one after another. If that isn't it, they will want you to reship goods to them in Africa, stating that the company they purchased goods from (purchased with stolen credit cards from other "victims") won't ship to Africa. You are the ONLY person who can help them, as they ALWAYS have NO family or friends at all. Of course, they need YOUR money to be able to buy airfare to come see you so you can be together. They will say and do ANYTHING to get your money. If you DO reship these goods, you will be liable for money laundering, trafficking, etc, (failure to pay taxes and duty on these goods, etc. and can possibly end up in prison for it) It is done this way so they will avoid liability of any sorts. If none of these are the scammers issue, they will ask you to set up bank accounts for them so they can "transfer" their money into your account and you, in turn, will wire them their money. This is done, usually because the banks in Nigeria (or wherever they claim to be) won't/can't cash their payroll checks or take money transfers wherever they are, but conveniently WILL take them from the country you happen to live in. Of course, we all know the money will "go bad" shortly after you wire them their money via Western Union - money you will never be able to retrieve and will have to reimburse the bank for. BTW, they will ask you to wire the money to whatever country they CLAIM to be working in, but in reality, they will be able to pick up the money in any country in the world. I confirmed this with Western Union. Also, they will have "follow me anywhere" phone numbers, usually with country code 44 (UK) 787 prefixes, so that the calls will automatically forward on to wherever they happen to live (in this case, Nigeria), so you will be unaware of the fact that they are not really in the UK. Let's not forget that they always have a cell phone number in the U.S. - a cell phone that they RARELY answer. This is done, of course, to "establish" with their victim that they really DO live in the U.S. (but of course, they really DO live in Nigeria, instead etc. ) Also, they are RARELY available on the weekends, as cyber cafes are not open on the weekend. Most of these scammers are married and will lie through their teeth to get money. They often refer to "God" and often quote scriptures from the Bible, then turn around and lie and steal from innocent women, for a living. If you do send them money, an "accident" will occur on their way to the airport to meet you, and you will never hear from them again. A bogus "doctor" will probably call you and ask for money for their hospital care. BTW, in their circle, they have many people "posing" as doctors, nurses, hotel managers, etc. all set up to help the scammer, as they will get a cut of the money the scammer manages to get from you, if successful. If you don't send them money, they will leave you. Block and ignore these men, ladies. Nothing good will come of this. You will NEVER meet these men, as they are not interested in a relationship - ONLY in money. They read from scripts and can be VERY convincing. The internet is filled with telling people NOT to send money to those they have never met. This is done for a reason. Scamming is very profitable!!! Don't be their next victim.

Scam Images

summary of internet dating scammers summary of internet dating scammers summary of internet dating scammers


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