Post A Scam
Scam: #5844

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 02/20/2012
  • Severity: 1

Big Sky Katz

Big Sky Katz update on previous post

Kalispelle, Montana

Hello. Last April I posted something on this website because I was so worried about the cat I bought from Big Sky Katz. He is now doing fine and I think the problem is that he has asthma which is somewhat common in cats. It still worries me but we are watching him and keeping him healthy. He romps and plays and pants with his tongue out like a cute big fluffy dog. The Breeder, Melodye, came through with her promise to provide the blue slip and that is all good so I'm very sorry I jumped to the conclusion she was lying and never going to send it. It looks as if she has scaled her cattery down in size when she moved to Washington. That is great. Still, I would recommend if you purchase a cat from her that you ask specifics so you won't be suprized if you recieve a cat with an umbilical hernia and if you could ask her to keep the kitten longer than 8 weeks maybe he/she won't have a wool sucking habit like ours does. Despite that, he is a wonderful cat and she did not lie about how he purrs so beautifully, he is soft as cotton and his allergy level seems to be REALLY low - only two people (both with SEVERE asthma) had a reaction to him. Wish I could change the previous post but this website does not let me in to do that. Summary: I'm sorry to have posted in haste before.


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