Kelvin Davi White Vanhala
Loves You, Wants Your Help
Elubo, Texas
All alone,wife died in car accident. No family,Says he lives in Texas. Goes to Ghana to buy Gold. Taxi rips off clothes and Computer. He can't move gold because his travelers checks worth 4.5 million are in bank waiting two weeks to clear. Then he needs money for food. Then he needs $850. to retrieve gold from Ayiya Warehouse that doesnt exist.Then he tells you he made a deal with driver to give him $120.He only needs $180 to make a deal with manager.All the while he tells you he loves you- very sweet. Makes you feel like you want to help him. But $300 isn't enough.He expects you to help him if you really love him. I feel sorry for any vulnerable lonely woman. Look out for this jerk.