Post A Scam
Scam: #5959

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/09/2012
  • Severity: 10

Richard Walker

Gold Business

Kabul, New York

I just joined a dating website and this guy started talking to me, he said he is a Major in US army in Kabul, had a son 14 in NY, couple pictures of him on uniform, and skiing with his son and colleagues. He said his wife died in car crash. He asked me to leave the dating website coz he doesn't want to loose me!.....I didn't. He wanted to retire from the army and wants to open a shop in England (Gold, jewellery), then got his lawyer Frank to e-mail me and another diplomate in Ghana also emailed me asking for my contact details and address. Richard says he spent lots of money buying gold to set up the business in England, and we going to be partners. I felt he was going 100 miles and hour for me, too quick and too good to be true. He told me he loved me already, we didn't speak and never saw him online. I told him I cannot love someone with this speed especially that I haven't met him or even spoken to him. He begged me to reply to these e-mails...he also told me that he had a hard life and found out that his ancestries are jews from Ukraine....then I stopped completely. I am sure he would have asked me to pay for the shipping and other stuff if I continued with him.
I am always cautious and so should everyone with this person!

Scam Images

Gold Business Gold Business Gold Business Gold Business


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That is what they all do and say.....SCAMMERS FOR A LIVING!!!
Who Scammed You Commenter
  • Debbi
  • Submitted: 03/19/2012
I got scammed by this guy too. He uses a of different names, the one he used on me was Ramos Smith. I am working on getting him. Wish me luck. Take a look at my post.
He has used the following names:-

See the following scam numbers to:::#5205; #5256,#5959, #13192.

He used this gold story on me too and the need to have shipping paid for. I declined, as I said if he has so much in assets, he can get a loan and pay the money himself. It was too far fetched and something was not right...he was too desperate for money.
You people should not worry we have him arrest and i will like to have you information where we can contact you ..Or you can text me this message is from the Department of investigation....(850) 999-5512
Thank you

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