Dr. Dvorit Samid, PhD
Stole Patents from Burzynski
Rockville, Maryland
Dvorit is listed as an "inventor" when in fact she STOLE the patents from Burzynski as clearly reported in the world-wide documentary "Burzynski" . Both Dvorit and Dr. David A. Kessler of the FDA need to be put into jail. This information is readily available on YouTube, Netflix and www.mercola.com (largest health site on the world wide web).
She is a criminal and needs to be put into jail along with Kessler and all other "professional" criminals of the FDA, AMA, and Big Greedy Pharma who do not want to find ways to cure cancer without harmful side effects (chemotherapy aka killertherapy not not cure anyone but makes a lot of money, same with radiation with both therapies causing cancer while being ineffective. WATCH this documentary on:
Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business from BurzynskiMovie on Vimeo.
The American people are waking up and no longer will be subjected to barbaric slash/burn/poison therapies that do not work!