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Scam: #5981

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Peter Dante Tantiado

Craigslist Housing Scam DANTE' 310.387.2571

Venice, California, 90291

Also Known As:
Peter Dante Tantiado
Dante Peter Tantido
A- Prince Dante' Tantiado

1111 Main St, Venice, CA
is actually
108 Thornton Place
Venice, CA 90291

This house is a very unpleasant place to live. 9 people, 2 dogs and a rat crammed into a 1500 square foot, 2 bedroom house leads to some very stressful living situations.

Dante can be charming in the initial interview and cleans the house just well enough to make it look neat. However, with 9 people using the same bathroom and kitchen it gets nasty very quickly and nobody takes responsibility to clean unless someone new is coming to see the house. Asking Dante to do anything resembling his promises in the lease or his Craigslist ad leads to immediate drama.

His Craigslist ad states no drug or alcohol users. However, most of the roommates were constantly high and belligerent. A few even grew pot plants illegally on the property, including Dante. The lease itself has as one of its terms "420 friendly" and there were also harder drugs taken at the house, which Dante always ignored.

It is not a quiet beach house. Everyone in the house has laptops and plays music loudly at all times of day and night. The living room stereo is even louder and used just as inconsiderately.

The "closet" space consists of a small clothes hanging area which can't be locked. While I was there several people had their possessions tampered with, yet Dante refused to intervene. I believe it was because Dante makes it a habit to bring random homeless men, including heroin addicts, that he meets on the boardwalk into the house and then expects the people who actually pay rent to just deal with it.

I cannot stress how unpleasant living in this house is. I recommend spending a little extra and find a place that provides safety and privacy and lacks drama.

A renter from a different house also had problems with him:!/officia1dante

(310) 387-2571

1111 Main St, Venice, CA
108 THORNTON Place Venice, CA 90291
108 THORNTON Pl Venice, CA 90291
1732 N Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Scam Images

Craigslist Housing Scam DANTE' 310.387.2571 Craigslist Housing Scam DANTE' 310.387.2571


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