Post A Scam
Scam: #6027

Scam Alert


Debbi Share

James Miller

Dating Site Money Scam

Kubal, Accra, Africa

The pictures on this and other sites is a real person. His Identiy has been stolen. Here is the real man behind all these scams. Thought everyone should see the real jerk.

Scam Images

Dating Site Money Scam


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Who Scammed You Commenter
  • Debbi
  • Submitted: 03/20/2012
This is the guy that showed himself on his web cam when he first contacted me. It is not Lt. Jeffrey Miller. Lt. Miller has been scammed as well, I feel so bad for him. Wish there was more I could do, but at least everyone on this site will know the truth and all the other sites I have posted on. If you have posted on other sites, please use this picture and let other women know. I am sure there are more women out there that have seen this guy. Debbi
I am a legit man,Debbi Andresen,was the one that scam me.i treating her that i am going to report her to the police,then she came here and say i scam are a hug.i am rich than you Debbi Andresen.i forgive you
Who Scammed You Commenter
  • Debbi
  • Submitted: 03/20/2012
This guy is a fraud, that is why there is no picture. He is trying to get even with me for turning him in. He's scared now, don't let him fool you.
Who Scammed You Commenter
  • Debbi
  • Submitted: 04/17/2012
I got scammed by these pictures too! It is pictures of Lt. Jeffrey Miller and his is a real person that his pictures stolen by the scammers. Here is the link to our support group on facebook:!/groups/351104458253474/ It will explain everything that is going on and how we are trying to get these scum. I am so sorry this has happened to you ladies, but we will get them one way or the other!!!

If you would like to see the real scammers picture it is posted here just go to the Current Scams and click on Afganistan for the Country he is the first 2 that come up.

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