Post A Scam
Scam: #6030

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/20/2012
  • Severity: 5

Jesse Foote


West Haven, Connecticut, 06516

I worked for this guy Jesse Foote in West Haven about month ago, all he would do is Lie about how much money we were making each day and then at the end of the week no check. Most of the time you couldn’t talk to him because he was always stoned out of his mind. When I questioned him of where my commission was, he would tell me to shut up and he had no time to go over that. He is such a scumbag he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He actually told me that I had no worth on this planet and to kill myself. He said if I did, he would walk right over my body. He is a mean evil person that tries to hide who he is by showing the workers pictures of his family and telling us what a great dad and person he is. I feel sorry for his kids when they figure out who he is.

I urge anyone that is considering working with him in West Haven to Run, he comes off like a great guy and then you see how Evil he really is. After I quit because I didn’t get paid, I heard he grabbed an 18 year old girl by the neck and through her out the door. This guy love to prey on people who need jobs to eat and sleep. In the end he takes from good people and good family’s to live his life full of lies.

This man needs to be stopped from continuing to set up shops and hurting good people.


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  • robbyj
  • Submitted: 05/25/2012
You should file a complaint with the Ct. Department of Labor Wage enforcement division. They will investigate him and his business. Once you do this, anyone else who feels they were not paid can also contact them, the more employee's that file complaints, the more manpower they will put into the investigation. He may be subjected to penalties and interest for any back wages due. They will demand all his bookeeping records.
  • robbyj
  • Submitted: 05/25/2012
You should file a complaint with the Ct. Department of Labor Wage enforcement division. They will investigate him and his business. Once you do this, anyone else who feels they were not paid can also contact them, the more employee's that file complaints, the more manpower they will put into the investigation. He may be subjected to penalties and interest for any back wages due. They will demand all his bookeeping records.

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