The Wooddoctor AKA Arthur J. Turple, Brian Nadeau
Wood Doctor International
Bangor, Maine
I have been a Wood Doctor dealer in central Pennsylvania for the past eight years. I have sold over 400 of the Wood Doctor furnaces over those years and have considered the units quality made. From what I know, the problems started when partners Dave McCulloch and Arthur Turple parted ways about a year ago. That is about the time Rick Fulcher, a man with Wall Street experience (and a record) got involved from Virginia. I had always questioned Dave’s sales tactics which amounted to telling customers anything he felt they wanted to hear to make a sale. Dave’s cell was 406-750-1633 and had a email address. Arthur was more honest in his approach.
In February 2011, I was told by Arthur and Rick that they were getting a $25 million government grant to open Creative Energy Solutions in Farmville, VA and start production there. They apologized for their lack of support to their dealers and stated how things are going to change in the future as they took my wife and I to dinner (We even had prayer before eating). Dealer training would be implemented and a larger line of products would be available soon. After delays from January 2011 thru July 2011 (the date production was to start) things began to unravel. Costs were too high and another company, Triton Metals, of Hollywood, MD was contacted about production, but the costs were higher than expected. In the meantime, Silverwind Metals in Manitoba Canada was not asked to sign a contract for 2011 with Arthur, so now Wood Doctor had no furnaces to sell. He told me that “after a night of prayer, he wrote a letter to Silverwinds and they agreed to produce more furnaces to help him out one last time.”
I had ordered a load of furnaces on July 29, 2011 and paid for them by wire as I had done the previous 7 years, but the furnaces did not arrive till late September after many phone calls. I had those sold by the time they arrived, so I asked Arthur to send me another load and I would pay when they were ready to ship. I sent a wire directly to Silverwinds in October and received another load of stoves.
Then the problems started for me. I told Arthur that if he needed any partial load stove orders to complete any loads to the eastern US, I would purchase whatever it took to complete the load. He said he had room for 2 units, so in November I wired money to the account at Creative Energy Solutions in Farmville, VA as he suggested in the amount of $16380. I was to be getting replacement parts for Rich Coons’ furnace in the same load. We have been waiting for six weeks for the shipment when I last spoke with Rich at the PA Farm Show. He had mentioned at the time of the order that I could have sent the money directly to Silverwinds, so I was not suspicious of any major financial problems at the time.
When I tried to contact Wood Doctor in mid December, the following numbers were dialed. Arthur at 902-890-6616 which refers you to his American cell 207-745-0854 which was not answered nor did it take messages. I then tried the VA office at 434-808-6915 and with Rick Fulcher’s cell 434-547-5880. No return call. I then tried the Canadian office with no avail. Of course did not get a response either. Finally I tried to reach Brian Nadeau on his cell at 919-943-7729 and got a response on Tuesday Jan 3, 2012. He was working on getting the new company they recently acquired near Grand Rapids, Michigan called the Log Boiler ( up and running. After speaking for a moment with Brian, I asked if he knew how to get in touch with Arthur. He said, “Sure, he’s sitting right here” and I asked him to hand him the phone. Again I was reminded by Arthur that he “never lied to me”; however, Wood Doctor is experiencing financial problems because “credit card sales were having charges reversed and the bank is now out of funds.” After more dialog about the future of the company and my $16,000 in particular, I was told that the company is NOT going belly-up but it was not looking good at present. In a prior conversation with Rick, perhaps I should have detected such when he told me that it was a 2-1 vote to purchase Log Boiler, with his vote being the vote that did not count. He stated that the purchase was draining most of their working capital.
I also asked about what I was to sell in my Wood Doctor space at the PA Farm Show that was Jan 7-14,2012. I have had WD furnaces at the show for the past six years and wanted to continue, but none arrived lately, so I features Nature’s Comfort furnaces at this years show.
While working at the show, I was contacted by Earl Sines in NY who is short a medium stove (paid for) and a trucking company called and asked if I still do business with Wood Doctor because they are underpaid about $5000 as well. Later Greg Sparks in Michigan called to say he is short a stove or two (paid for). Later I met William Dohan of Quarryville, PA who is short a medium stove (paid for) as well as a debt of over $7500 in credit and parts that are not delivered yet. I also received a call from Neil at Silverwind Metal (204-750-1515 or 204-626-3381 or 204-391-4519) seeking info and inquiring about Arthur. Neil stated that Arthur has been “somewhat deceptive” and was not divulging to Silverwinds what was in his plans. Neil needed to look out for the best interests of Silverwind colony.
Silverwind Metals does have an online store on their new website ( that offers ALL parts for any Wood Doctor furnaces at prices that are less expensive than the same item being purchased through Wood Doctor. They also manufacture the Polar Outdoor Furnace which is a clone of the Wood Doctor furnace that had been manufactured successfully for many years. For those seeking parts or warranty help, I would suggest getting in contact with Silverwind Metals because they are the manufacturer that made Wood Doctor units and ultimately should be backing the warranty in some manner.
Hopefully this sheds some light on what is happening. I just want resolution to the problems Wood Doctor has created for me. I try to be honest with my customers and get warranty service for claims that are legitimate. I am not going to make excuses for a company that has deserted its customers and dealers in such a manner. Arthur and Rick and Brian need to share the truth of the past year with the dealers and customers that are left with nothing but promises.