Post A Scam
Scam: #6090

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/25/2012
  • Severity: 5



MIAMI, Florida, 33166

Becarefull of NEGRIELECTRONICS.Com...we wired them 50k usd and they didn't ship anything of the phones we ordered. We called RYAN for weeks and he doesn't respond. Right now we are suing him personally and his business. Please don't deal with this person he is a thief!

Negri Electronics is wireless dealer located in Neveda. Negri electronics specializes in scamming their customers by selling them used phones, as “new”. They have also been caught selling carrier returns as new, as well as selling Blackberry Devices with blocked PIN’s. If you research Negri Electronics you will find a great and informative site called Negri Electronics Scam. This site will provide validation on the claims listed above. It will also provide you location information of this corrupt company.

Negri Electronics prides themselves on the number of phones they sell, not the quality of phones they sell. Negri Electronics does not build relationships; in fact, they destroy them. Negri Electronics is after one thing; MONEY. Money is what drives RYAN NEGRI (the owner of Negri Electronics). Anything to make a ‘quick buck’ will be a priority to RYAN NEGRI.

They can not nothing but deny the claims. Negri Electronics has been involved in 10 large public scams, all found on the Negri Electronics Scam website. These are not the only scams that Negri Electronics has been a part of. If you have been involved in a scam with Negri Electronics please visit Negri Electronics Scam and post your story.

The wireless industry is a deceitful one, but with sites like Negri Electronics Scam there are ways to make it better. Exposing these companies will help the industry by making prospective customers more aware of scams, such as Negri Electronics Scam.

Please stay away from Negri Electronics. They will do anything to get your business, and more to get your money. But once they have your money, they are in control of you. Do not give them control. The less you buy from Negri Electronics, the better chance they have of going out of business. Post your story at – the epicenter of all things Negri Electronics Scam.


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The post you have just read is 100% untrue. The people who have left this post (as it’s the same all over the web) are working for a company called Saxx Mobile in New York. The purpose of their post is somewhat of a “payback” for the site we created to warn customers of their deceitful business practices. The site in question can be found at This site was created for the sole purpose of alerting new customers that Saxx Mobile is not to be trusted. What this company is now doing is collaborating negative reviews left for Negri Electronics, and posting them all in one location. However 50% of the feedback left on the Negri Electronics scam site is fake.

Albert Mita from Saxx Mobile is on a mission to tarnish Negri Electronics pristine reputation in the wireless community by posting fake reviews and sending emails to members of the industry containing a fake name, fake address and a fake scam (similar to the ones you will find at The fact that he could not manufacture a better scam is pathetic; but if you read up on Albert and Saxx Mobile you will see that it’s pretty much how the company is ran.

Negri Electronics has thousands of stellar reviews from over 45,000 retail customers. Our competition is trying to overshadow these reviews by pointing out the 5-6 negative reviews we have received. 6 negative reviews from over 45,000 customers doesn’t seem that bad for a company dealing in high end unlocked wireless.

Negri Electronics prides itself on customer’s service, pre, during and post sale. The post you have just read simply points out the negative. And the site created about Negri Electronics will only allow negative posts to be approved. (Our customers have tried). In an industry as competitive as Wireless many of the corrupt companies look to gain an advantage by manipulating customers, and manufacturing negative reviews of their competition.

Negri Electronics will always be here. When you buy from Negri Electronics you can feel safe that what you ordered is what you will receive. And if you are unhappy they will work it out with you to make sure that when all is said and done; you are happy.

We ask that you please erase the fallacies that you have read previously, and that you focus on the true Negri Electronics. The Negri Electronics that gives away iPad3’s to its Twitter Followers, just for sharing a link. The Negri Electronics that offers a pricematch, even if it’s under their cost. The Negri Electronics that provides labels so that you can return the device if you no longer want it. The Negri Electronics with thousands of reviews found here:

And as an accredited business with an A- Rating from the Better Business Bureau

We like to think that we live in an ethical world; but the reality is we don’t. We do our best to do what we can to make this industry a safer place to be in; and be the safest place to shop from.

Thank you for your time. Please contact us if you have any further questions. You can reach a live person at 888-358-6358 or email

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