Post A Scam
Scam: #6107

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/26/2012
  • Severity: 10

Noemi Leroux and Charles David

Phillipino/Nigerian scam

Vancouver, BC

Solicits funds for sick relatives of fellow nannies in hospital in the Phillipines. As well says that 'fiance' Charles David who supposedly works on off shore oil rigs in Texas has suddenly been called over to Nigeria. He has 'frozen bank accounts' in Victoria BC with 'supposed assets' in the hundreds of thousands but is 'trapped in Nigeria' and needs thousands of dollars immediately in order to return to Canada for marriage. Phillipino nanny network working in Vancouver area infiltrating churches and preying on unsuspecting church members and using scam of either sick relatives or trapped in Nigeria fiance. Begs you to talk to man on telephone, shows you love letters that are scam love letters from site Relentless in begging and pleading with a person in order to get them to talk to call center person. Churches are unwilling to confront the issue since these people infiltrate church and become invaluable workers, usually in a children's church or daycare center. Person is most typically 'gambling addicted' and in desperate straits for money, please watch out for Phillipino nanny network or the name Charles David..


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