4:45 PM
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WARNING: Scam Lawyer
Scammer: Attorney Arvand Naderi: ENCINO, CA
The epitome of scum bucket sleaze bag. This idiot, "attorney" Arvand Naderi is the biggest bittch and unskilled crook. Do NOT hire this cro...
Scammer: Attorney Arvand Naderi: ENCINO, CA
The epitome of scum bucket sleaze bag. This idiot, "attorney" Arvand Naderi is the biggest bittch and unskilled crook. Do NOT hire this cro...
Scammer: The Peterson Group Building & Development: North Dakota, MN
Holes in the wall, cracks and peelings on the wall and broken tiles are just some of the problems that an anonymous homeowner is facing in his newly p...
Scammer: Luz Marina Villalobos: new york, NY
this lady can be your worse neighbor! she harrasses neighbors for no reason, she listens in front of other peoples doors, throws garbage in front of y...
Scammer: Pezzy Montana Lovie Johnson: Las Vegas, NV
Everything said on this website is true. He is an emotional manipulator, when I confronted him about these accusations, he said it was women that he d...
Scammer: Sunshine Pediatrics, LLC: Silver Spring, MD
It is a shame Dr. Clark, you´ll get to lose 3 patients due to the poor choice you made when choosing a "manager". I have taken my 3 children...
Scammer: Dr. Maiya Clark, MD: Silver Spring, MD
Dr. Maiya Clark, MD is a Maryland-area doctor (Silver Spring) that is giving perscription treatment to children who did not need them, including my da...
Scammer: Jeffrey Scott Hollingsworth: burleson, TX
He counts on you not verifying anything....
Scammer: Michelle Eli: South Bend, IN
Michelle Eli Lies Slander Defamation of Character against Sharon Corr, and her Family. Bank Fraud Against Sarah Brickman a Holocaust Survivor. Mar...
Scammer: ГУДОВИЧ ОЛЕГ/Oleg Gudovich: Belarus/italy, Pinsk
We Write again to warn all the people about Oleg Gudovich from Pinsk and his collegues from Belarus He opened a company in Estonia to fraud other pe...
Scammer: Cardinal Capital Management: St Francis, WI
Did these idiots at Cardinal Capital Management actually do a background check before admitting Bill Schmalfeldt to apartment 108 of Juniper Court?! I...