10:01 PM
Views: 2315

Says you won 100,000.00
Scammer: Asquith Chin: Ft. lauderdale, FL
Says it will be your package. Just pay shipping fee. Then you never receive money.. Says that more monetary funds are needed too release funds. Sen...
Scammer: Asquith Chin: Ft. lauderdale, FL
Says it will be your package. Just pay shipping fee. Then you never receive money.. Says that more monetary funds are needed too release funds. Sen...
Scammer: Mic Ford: Humble, TX
This guy wowed me by sending pizza to my door when we were talking on line. He was in another city, but I thought he was in the same state. Then he se...
Scammer: LINDA K. RISDEN / FLORIDA S.E. REALTY fraud and embezzlement has a new name: hinesville to fort lauderdale, GA
Here we go again Linda KK Risden attempting to hide Once More as she cliams to be a South East Florida Real Estate Company..read the address of the co...
Scammer: Great American Realtors hinesville & Linda k. Risden // means big trouble: hinesville, GA
Mr. Risden has asked Ms. Linda Risden - Beaver to re frame from the use of his last name after she embezzled client funds and company funds and defrau...
Scammer: Dennis Cernek: north bergen, NM
He's at it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bware ladies not who he says he is liar nd a thief...
Scammer: Wendy Kwong San Fransisco Bay Area: San Fransisco, CA
Wendy Kwong ,short Chinese lady with bugs bunny teeth will walk into your business and will try to be sweet as honey until she gets what she wants. Sh...
Scammer: Wendy Kwong San Fransisco: San Fransisco, CA
Wendy Kwong ,short Chinese lady with bugs bunny teeth will walk into your business and will try to be sweet as honey until she gets what she wants. Sh...
Scammer: Gregory Sclafani Marquerit Cermola Sclafani: JERSEY CITY, NJ
GREGORY SCLAFANI / GREG SCAFANI / MARGUERITE CERMOLA SCLAFANI / MARGUERITE SCAFANI will not tell you real name when you call. He was "TOM" when he tr...
I got a check in the Mail from a company in Morton Grove IL the ATP financial groups and consultants stating that i have randomly been selected to rec...
Scammer: Great American Realtor has a Rat in the ranks Linda K. Risden: Hinesville, GA
Linda K. Risden Realtor Fraud and Grand Thief Now serving Hinesville Georgia at the Great American Realtors group at 109 Main street Hinesville GA.313...