12:57 PM
Views: 2512
NYPD crime prevention
Scammer: NYPD: New York, NY
Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America today. Identity theft requires only a few pieces of valid personal information. With them, thi...
Scammer: NYPD: New York, NY
Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America today. Identity theft requires only a few pieces of valid personal information. With them, thi...
Scammer: Patrizia Toeses: West Hollywood, CA
This is Patrizia Toese's email on the undermentioned date:
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 2:57 PM,
Scammer: Ron Moon: West Hollywood, CA
Ron Moon, liar, thief, Threats of Violence We out of state landlords, Ron Moon suggests we fly into Las Vegas at a minutes' notice because we have ...
Scammer: Ron Moon Black Star Universal ,LLC: West Holly Wood, CA
RON MOON THREATS OF VILOLENCE Black Star Universal, LLC RON MOON THEFT RENT EVASION When confronted with paying his bills Ron Moon, Black Star U...
Scammer: Ron Moon/Black Star Universal: West Hollywood, CA
Theft Black Star Universal, LLC RON MOON Patrizia Toese Landlords beware Ron Moon who represents himself as Vice President/CFO of Black Star Unive...
Scammer: POF: New York, NY
Do you understand that this is going on 24/7 in my fucking life I'm being harassed by this scumbag brat who's mom was a former whore and her dads a p...
Scammer: POF: New York, NY
Who is this person? You disagree cause your a liar...
Scammer: POF: New York, NY
PoF is a scammer website...
Scammer: Yet another person who had their innocence stolen and posted on the Internet. The dating scammer steals another picture and creates another fake profile: New York, NY
The scammer strikes again with another stolen picture from yet another victim...