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Dating Site Money Scam
Scammer: James Miller: Kabul, Accra, Africa
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"James Miller"
Scammer: James Miller: Kabul, Accra, Africa
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"James Miller"
Scammer: Debbi Andresen: Tx, CA
She is a white woman and hold...
Scammer: James Miller: Kubal, Accra, Africa
The pictures on this and other sites is a real person. His Identiy has been stolen. Here is the real man behind all these scams. Thought everyone shou...
Scammer: Vanessa Nicole Suarez: Valencia, CA
Vanessa has rented a room from me. Then things started disappearing... I found out yesterday that the same has happened with prior roommate (will pro...
Scammer: Ben's Outlet: Hialeah, FL
They offer great deals on alot of electronics. When yhou get the items, if you get them, they are seriously damaged. A watch camcorder I bought frie...
Scammer: Joseph Isaacs: st petersburg, FL
This guy has done everything possible to destroy as many life's as possible through fraudulent information. He needs to be stopped!!! People like thi...
Scammer: Dejardins Finacial Inc: Chicago, IL
We received notice of a sweepstakes winning from Desjarins Financial Inc including a phoney "check" from "Chef's Produce of Houston" for $3,780.00 Th...
Scammer: Vincent P. Teal: Phoenix, AZ
He sends you a letter telling you to Send a $35 deposit. I will send you a never before revealed secret that will make you an instant millionaire and...
Scammer: Grace White: Houston, TX
Psychic grace white scamed me and took my 9 hundred dollars. and never completed the work. she told me she cannot give it back....
DO NOT POST SCAMMER, unless you are certain of the type of fraud or scam. I have repeatedly sought to have my postings REMOVED, but have not had one ...