11:28 PM
Views: 2552

Craig's List Sale
Scammer: Annie Malisa: Southwest, VA
Same message as previously posted on Oct 17,2011 on Scam Alert under "Annie Malisa"...
Scammer: Annie Malisa: Southwest, VA
Same message as previously posted on Oct 17,2011 on Scam Alert under "Annie Malisa"...
Scammer: International Events: Las Vegas, NV
WARNING!! DO NOT MAKE HOTEL RESERVATIONS WITH THIS COMPANY. They claim to be a travel company that makes hotel reservations at wholesale costs for tra...
Scammer: chris derham middleton yeldon novus: salisbury, DOR
Does anyone other than me think it odd that Yeldon, a known pal ofChris Derham, formed a company called Middleton Partners and is also a croney of Pet...
Scammer: Global Pharmacy Canada: Mississauga, ON
Hacked into my personal email accounts stole all contacts and emailed advertising to them for viagara etc . as though they were sent from my account,...
Scammer: ball
Testing a product...
Scammer: Ryan C. Rogers: NEW YORK, NY
Ryan C. Rogers and RMR Wealth management LLC.<<<
Scammer: Cindy Bertoloi/ federal dimensions aka GSA application processor: clearwater, FL
I was an old employee of the company for 6 of the ten months inwhich they were in bussiness up until the time in which i was fired there were ZERO GSA...
Scammer: NAR: Indianapolis, IN
Re: Corporate GREED / Kickbacks to Realtors... You can find Yield Spread Premium on the settlement statement in your mortgage documents. It will...
Scammer: middleton griffiths derham: salisbury stockport london, LCN
If we are all to believe Grifftihs & Middelton are the injured parties, a few questions: 1. They were directors of the company. Presumably to remov...
Scammer: James Miller: Brooklyn, NY
Christian Cafe had a free 7 day trial. So I signed up and within a couple of days, started receiving emails from: Godlyymann550. He 'claimed' his name...