12:48 PM
Views: 2389

Mystery Shopper
Scammer: Dual Edge Research Company: Garland, TX
Received an envelope with no return address. Had two Canadian stamps on it. Had my name, incorrect address but received in my mail box anyway. Check f...
Scammer: Dual Edge Research Company: Garland, TX
Received an envelope with no return address. Had two Canadian stamps on it. Had my name, incorrect address but received in my mail box anyway. Check f...
Scammer: Bill me later: Us, CA
Mark Baez in Orange CA has a so called business Trustee Delay Processing LLC (Wyoming)/The Last OPtion. He offers people, realtors and loan officers...
Scammer: Bill me later: Us, CA
Thanks the Law Abiding Citizen to post the following scam alert online at http://www.whoscammedyou.com/scams/3636/Bill_me_later The First Capital (...
Scammer: Annie Malisa: southwest, VA
Good to have your reply,I am Annie Malisa, from southwest VA and would have love to come for further face to face inspection at your residence mysel...
Scammer: chris derham peter middleton gary griffith: salisbury london stockport, KNT
Novus changed address at about same time as court orders again it earlier this Summer and slightly changed name. Its just changed again guys and gal...
Scammer: chris derham dereham durham: london, LCN
For those of you in touch with the police, you coudl pass on this phone number - might not work if the bill hasnt been paid but they may be able to tr...
Scammer: Bill me later: Us, CA
See here for all the information you need on this guy. http://www.public-access.riverside.courts.ca.gov/OpenAccess/...
Scammer: Karma Tshering: New york, NY
Scammer: George Garcia: South Miami, FL
This guy, who used to be a real estate lawyer but was disbarred for fraud, worked as a paralegal for other real estate lawyers and managed to steal an...
Scammer: Keith Flaherty: Largo, FL
He claims to have an inside source that lets you obtain high limit credit cards by simply paying a down payment then the rest on the back-end. Then,...